These were the events showing the most relevant progress made on their path of responsible mining:




The Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) selected 14 mining units in 2019, which were analyzed for CRAFT risks of breaches focused on commercial, health and safety at work, environmental, management, among other factors. From this point, men and women miners of the municipality, along with ARM, created improvement designs for the implementation of this plan with the support of key allies in the territory:

  • GENSA S.A. E.S.P “Empresa Generadora y Comercializadora de Energía a Nivel Nacional – National Energy Generating and Marketing Company,” will collaborate in campaigns of recovery of environmental liabilities, and is currently working on the design of 2 (two) courses: one on Human Rights, and the other on Marketing.
  • COAGROMIN “Cooperativa Agrominera Multiactiva – Multi-active Agromining Cooperative,” partnered with the project in the campaigns to promote the recovery of environmental liabilities, improve staff motivation, and provide the spaces.
  • Equipo de Unidad Móvil de Protección Integral – EMPI (Integral Protection Mobile Unit Team) from El Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar – ICBF (Colombian Family Welfare Institute) launched an awareness activity concerning child mining labor called “Marco normativo Línea de política pública para la prevención y erradicación del trabajo infantil – Ruta de atención a niños, niñas y adolescentes en situación de trabajo infantil.” (Public Policy Regulation Frame for Preventing and Eradicating Child Labor – Attention Route to Children and Teenagers in Child Labor Situation).


San Roque


In the case of this municipality, 6 breach analyses to identify CRAFT Risks were carried out in every mining unit. The analyses were focused on commercial, health and safety at work, environmental, management, among other factors.

Improvement plans were also made at the same time with each of the mining units, which, apart from having their own responsibilities and the project, partnered with Universidad Nacional, sede Medellín, to implement them.

This meaningful path of support to men and women miners has been a product of the coordinated effort and dedication of different organizations, which strengthens the way to improve their practices.

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