November 5, 2020 | News, Somos Tesoro
Artisanal and small-scale mining strives for safety in Colombia 2020 Safety Statistics and Alerts Mining accident and emergency rates are often high all over the world. In Colombia, the National Mining Agency (ANM in Spanish [1]) has officially reported 119 mining...
March 28, 2019 | News, Somos Tesoro
In the first stage of Somos Tesoro, project funded by the USDOL, which lasted 5 years, we worked on reducing child labor in the mining areas of Colombia. This stage saw the collaboration of the Alliance for Responsible Mining, Pact, Fondo Acción and Fundación Mi...
December 17, 2018 | News, Somos Tesoro
The purpose of the study (available in spanish) is to help comprehend gender inequalities in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) through the thoughts, outlooks and perceptions of miners about them; as well as analyze the regulations and public policies that apply...
November 28, 2018 | Due Diligence Guidance, News, Somos Tesoro
From the 13th to the 16th of November the first exchange of women miners of the Boyacá department took place. Here, women were able to share experiences, projects and life lessons about their situation in the artisanal and small-scale mining subsector. Also, on the...