People who participate in our programs
Artisanal and small-scale
mining organizations
Characteristics: Formalized or Fairmined certified organizations, as well as organizations working towards formalization or certification
- Feasible and responsible businesses
- Improvement of economic, social and environmental practices
- Achieve or maintain Fairmined Certification
Individual miners
Characteristics: artisanal miners living in vulnerable conditions, primarily female, some of them belonging to ethnic groups and/or living in conflict regions. Their mining activity often can be characterized by low production levels, disadvantageous economic conditions and precarious health conditions.
“Barequeros/as” (Colombia) or “Bateadoras” (Peru): They wash sands using manual tools to separate and collect the gold.
“Chatarreras” (Colombia) or “Pallaqueras” (Peru): They recollect and manually process minerals disposed of by artisanal and small-scale mines which may contain small quantities of precious metals.
- Association and organizational strenghtening
- Formalization
- Progressive improvement of mining practices
- Improved living conditions