FSM Burkina Faso: Piloting the Forest Smart Mining (FSM) concept in the artisanal and small-scale mining sector in Burkina
Period : 05 mois ( july- november 2021 )
Country : Burkina Faso
Donor : The World Bank
Partners: Levin Sources ; Fauna and Flora International
Forests are rich ecosystems, home to a wide range of species.
However, the world has lost about half its forests. While mining is not the main driver of deforestation, it does contribute to it. Also, most small-scale mining operations are informal and unregulated, making their impact on forests difficult to manage.
Although it can contribute to economic and social development, artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) has an impact on surrounding forest landscapes, with potential negative consequences for biodiversity, forest and human well-being.
Regardless of its scale, mining should always be conducted in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. This is all the more important as the demand for minerals is increasing;
This means that the potential for deforestation is more likely and therefore worth closer scrutiny.
Forest Smart Mining (FSM):
What is forest smart mining (FSM)?
The FSM or forest smart mining concept is mining that recognises and understands the relationship between forests and ASM, and actively seeks to reduce the damage caused by the latter.
Main objective of the project:
Piloting the FSM concept in ASM in Burkina Faso.
Results 2022:
Quantitative objectives:
- Experimental application of FSM in three (3) mining operations.
- Development of 1 comprehensive analysis of environmental legislation and its relationship with ASM in Burkina Faso.
- Development of a document of recommendations for the piloting of the standard and the integration of the Principles, Criteria, and Indicators of the standard at the institutional level.
- Creation of one (1) participatory roadmap for the application of the Principles, Criteria, and Indicators of the standard in mining operations.