Golden Roots
Date: 2019-2021
Country of intervention: Colombia
Donor: European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM)
Implementorss: Alliance for Responsable Mining, Anexpo y Fundación Atabaque
Improve access to markets and increase the volume of gold exported by artisanal miners by using a Due Diligence tool which serves as a mechanism to improve their labor and environmental practices. In addition it works towards dignifying their livelihoods in the Chocó department, empowering women miners to become active leaders promoting equity in territorial governance and peace processes.
The project is aimed towards formalized artisanal miners who are already selling gold to legal supply chains, but have yet to verify whether they comply with the CRAFT scheme; and informal miners who do not have the formal documents to sell to legal supply chains. In total, the project aims to support around 380 miners, organized by nuclear family.
The project is being led by the international Marketer Anexpo, which already has a traceable formal supply chain established with three local gold collectors in the intervention municipalities, which should facilitate the process.
Condoto, Itsmina y Quibdó in the department of Chocó in Colombia
Anticipated results
- Application of a CRAFT supply chain scheme using a calibrated Due Diligence tool that can verify a fully traceable and responsible supply chain.
- A methodology that applies Due Diligence through a CRAFT Scheme throughout thousands of individually dispersed artisanal miners that operate without the presence of a formal organizational structure.
- Encourage the participation of miners (especially women) in local territorial governance, through a territorial risk mitigation plan that will contribute to mitigate barriers and strengthen women’s capacities for the responsible management of natural resources.