Ethnic Mining

August 2020 – December 2021

Country of intervention:  
Colombia & Peru

Donor: Ford Foundation

Implementors: Alliance for responsible Mining 



Understand and vizualize the reality of ethnic mining (indigenous and afro-descendant).


  • Review the Fairmined standard in collaboration with miners from ethnic communities.
  • Facilitating the inclusion of ethnic communities voices in national government decisions.
  • Facilitating the exchange of experiences between ethnic communities.
  • Identify current barriers and opportunities for the formalization of artisanal and small scale mining (ASM).
  • Developing a communication strategy that highlights the potential of ASM.
  • Creating a marketing and outreach campaign to increase the demand for gold provided from ASM.
  • Preparing a summary of the policies and limit the development of ASM in Colombia.



    • Chocó (Condoto, Carmen de Atrato, Tadó, Unión Panamericana, Alto San Juan)
    • Vaupés
    • Nariño (Mallama)
    • Antioquia (Frontino)
    • Amazonía


    • Puno (Distrito de Ananea)
    • Amazonía (Departamento Madre de Dios)


    1. State of the art: research of 32 informational national and international sources to understand the current state of ethnic mining.
    2. Survey monkey: online survey to get to know the percepcions and practices of ethnic mining in indigenous and Afro-descendant mining organizations.
    3. Virtual forum: exchange of knowledge about ethnic differential approach in ASM & Fairmined
    4. Focus group interviews

    Anticipated results

    • Ethnic mining principles included in the Fairmined Standard.
    • Creation of a roadmap that allows ASM to comply with the CRAFT and Fairmined standards.
    • Investigations and products of knowledge about the conceptions and practices of ethnic mining, considering the message of indigenous and afro-descendant mining organizations.
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