In a joint effort, the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM), HIVE, IPIS, Chambers Federation and Justice Plus are moving forward to lay the foundation for responsible gold mining in Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of Congo. This project, supported by USAID through the Eastern Congo Development Partnership Program, Tujenge, aims to empower local stakeholders and promote responsible mining practices.
Thanks to this accompaniment, more than 830 miners have implemented better mining practices and have been trained on topics such as the CRAFT Code, good governance, the Congolese mining code, peacebuilding, gender-based violence, and ASM formalization.
Main project progress
- From March to June 2023, an agreement was formalized with a mining cooperative in Niania, diagnostics were conducted at five mining sites to identify gaps in compliance with the CRAFT Code, and an improvement plan was developed focusing on safety, occupational health, environment and mineral processing. The community was actively involved through the Local Mining Monitoring Committee (CLS) led by Justice Plus, where training was provided on a number of key issues.
- From June to September 2023, the mining cooperative further committed to adhering to the CRAFT Code by building an office in Bafwanakengele and taking measures against CRAFT risks, such as combating child labor.
- In this process, Justice Plus received training to adopt and apply the CRAFT Code, the digital MAPE Progress App and Datastake to support artisanal miners in technical aspects, organizational challenges, OSH issues, legal requirements and transparency of the process with the community.
About the project
USAID’s Eastern Congo Development Partnership Program, Tujenge, made possible by the support of the American people through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is a five-year program targeting the city and territory of Beni (North Kivu) and the territory of Mambasa (Ituri) and implemented by Mercy Corps in consortium with International Alert, Wildlife Conservation Society, Alliance for Responsible Mining, International Peace Information Service, HIVE, Chambers’ Federation, APROHDIV, Justice Plus, SOFEPADI, CORACON, and Pole Institute, as well as local partners who will join the consortium.
The program works with a variety of stakeholders, including local authorities, communities, civil society organizations, community-based organizations, government actors, and the private sector, to achieve common goals for sustainable development and lasting peace.
Get to know more about the expected results of the project here.