Mercury reduction in gold processing plants in Andean countries

Date: 2016-2018

Country: Bolivia and Peru

Donor: US State Department

Ally:  Colorado School of Mines



Together with the Colorado University School of Mines, the Artisanal Gold Council and several other universities, ARM is working to reduce the use of mercury in two mining sites in Peru and in a Bolivian mining cooperative. The ARM team is responsible for:

  • Determining intervention sites in Ayacucho (Peru) with the potential to adopt new environmental practices. After the selection of the places, project information and objectives were shared with the community.
  • Carrying out a study of the mercury baseline, including the collection of various samples to create an estimate of the level of contamination at the selected sites.
  • Methodological design and training for members of the mining community of Relave to carry out a participatory monitoring and evaluation system in order to empower the community in good environmental management practices.

  • Implementing a metallurgic laboratory in Bolivia in order to use the processing plant more productively and at the same time reduce the use of chemicals in the process.
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